Wednesday, June 4, 2008

India - Changing times, is it?

I happened to see the Hindi flick 'Race' some time back with my friends. It was a stylish, cool and peppy movie though confusing at times and pretty different from the run of the mill Hindi movies. There was a friend in our group who had come from the US for vacation & had accompanied us.

After the show ended, her reactions took me by surprise, as noticed that there has been a lot of change in the country and culture since the last time she was here. Even if you had to go by the flick and if at all it is to be considered a benchmark or even if it remotely represents a percentage of perception of the cine goers, not to forget the movie was a huge hit. She pointed out that the story line of the movie was too bold for us and god forbid is not the mirror image of our generation.

I was pretty worried on her logical remarks and it really made me realize the distressing change we are going through. Now the question is 'Do we believe in the ever-changing psyche of the characters of the movie due to external factors like lust, fast money etc?' or we consider the whole ethos of the movie as just a good mean of entertainment.

If the former is true, we seriously need to ponder upon the deterioting quality of relationships in our country, especially after the recent gruesome murders committed in Mumbai and Delhi. We should discuss the topics at length and if we opt for the latter one, then all the more reason to worry, coz` you never know when the entertainment becomes a part of you.

Nevertheless, her remarks were definitely an eye opener especially coz it gives you a picture of the changing perception of human relationships in India through the eyes of a one time inhabitant of our country.

Signing out, confused, thinking (over a cup of mocha),


Anubha said...

And that is why I've stopped watching Bollywood Movies !!! :D
Well, it'll be better to take these movies lightly and not go into the depth of things. Its always best to stick to what your principles are and value relationships for what they are.
And if everyone follows this, life will be much more easier.

"If everyone cared and nobody cried
If everyone loved and nobody lied
If everyone shared and swallowed their pride
We'd see the day when nobody died.."
-Nickelback (love dis song.. kinda relates to ur post, u might want to hear it!) :)

nice one keep it up !!!

Unknown said...

hey so true anubha..well i liked tht quote too... n Amit if Race ws a surprise..thn see wot was Niel n Nikki n Salaam Namaste n KANK...these all r eye openers as well...well wot ws shown in race cn only be seen in movies....juz see to it tht we dnt get influenced by these flicks...ciao..n hey u write well..keep it up!!

RJ said...

@Amit - It's a lovely 1st post. Hope to see you more! It's not only about movies when you get such perception it's even otherwise. On and off, I have been out of the country and when I return I dont see any vast infrastructure growth but a tremendous culture growth. I think there is no limit to so called "being-westernised"

It is concerning, at this point I dont know for good or bad , we will have to wait and watch. I am from old school and I like to follow mthe culture my parents infused in me!

Nice thought and a wonderful 1st post,

Praful Asher said...

Nice first post dude...I completely agree with you w.r.t the deteriorating relationships and more so the reactions that such gruesome incidents evoke from most of the people now-a-days. If I remember it right, there is this state called as "Compassion Fatigue" where ones mind starts to ignore all these horrors and tends to discount it for the mere regularity with which it happens. One just tends to react to any new horror as yet another incident that has occurred. A disturbing reality indeed.

Sakhi said...

@ there is a huge shift of movies in hindi cinema. some how it does show the change we see in the society. But we need more movies with motivation (though not preachy types) with which we can relate.

Good post. Keep it up

@ RJ
the so called westernisation is evident mainly in the metroes. the smaller cities of India is still the same old ones. With less of values in people. Time is changing and it is changing for worst. But somehow i am an optimist at heart and think that everything is gonna be fine one day. Cross the finger!

Neetu said...

Well, i did not really understand the exact thought or idea behind this text. By the time i thought i would get something out of it the blog ended. :(

RJ said...

@Sakhi - The youth from the smaller cities still moving to metros! I could only feel and say "Let the culture be there!"

@Neetu - Well, I think you should read it again! :D

Unknown said...

All i can say is, nice thought nd good post.